If you make Saugus.net your home page it will be automatically loaded each time you start your browser. Instructions are provided here for setting home pages on a few different browsers.
To set Saugus.net as your home page in Netscape:
Later, when you restart Netscape or click the "Home" button you will be brought directly to Saugus.net.
Later, when you restart Netscape or click the "Home" button you will be brought directly to Saugus.net.
To set Saugus.net as your home page in MSIE:
Later, when you restart MSIE or click the "Home" button you will be brought directly to Saugus.net.
Later, when you restart MSIE or click the "Home" button you will be brought directly to Saugus.net. Note that there are many problems with these versions of MSIE and you really ought to upgrade.
To set Saugus.net as your home page in Lynx: Unfortunately, setting a home page in Lynx is done only via special invocation; it is not currently a saved setting. It can often be done by adding an argument something like "-homepage=http://www.saugus.net/", but it is very platform specific. See the online help available from the Lynx home page for more specific information.
Once the home page has been set, pressing the "m" key will bring you directly to Saugus.net though regardless of platform.
To set Saugus.net as your home page in Cyberdog: Since Cyberdog is designed to manage all manner of resources including the web and always starts out with a local "notebook", it really does not have or need the concept of a home page. Since it is possible to have several Cyberdog notebooks at once, setting the default notebook is somewhat analogous to setting a home page on the other browsers, though. To do this, simply select the notebook containing the Saugus.net item and choose "Set Default Notebook" from the "Notebook" menu.
Once the default notebook has been set, selecting "Show Default Notebook" from the "Windows" menu will bring up the notebook containing the pointer to Saugus.net.
To set Saugus.net as your home page in HotJava:
Later, when you restart HotJava or click the "Home" button you will be brought directly to Saugus.net.