Looking for a particular phone number,
area code, or e-mail address?
Currently the area code for Saugus is 781. The same is true
for Lynn, Lynnfield, Malden, Melrose, Nahant, and Wakefield.
Generally speaking, Boston and its neighboring communities
have 617; the communities surrounding that area have 781;
Northeastern Massachusetts has 978; Southeastern
Massachusetts, Cape Cod, & the islands have 508; Western
Massachusetts has 413; and New Hampshire has 603. The
American Numbering Plan Administration maintains the
lists and maps of North American area codes, so these can
be consulted for up-to-date area code information for any
North American site.
maintains a
list of
country codes.
If you're looking for a specific phone number, there are
currently a variety of methods for doing so. Unfortunately no
one single method is completely comprehensive. Access to
several of these methods is provided below for
white pages lookups,
yellow pages lookups, and even
reverse phone number lookups. As for
e-mail addresses, there are also a handful
of different methods of hunting those down, although none of
them provide complete results. Access to a few of them is
provided below, too.
Yellow Pages Searches
White Pages Searches
Reverse Phone Number Searches
E-mail Address Searches