Saugus River Cleanup
9:00 am -
12:00 pm
Shops at Saugus, Route 1 North
Price per Person:
Please join Trader Joe's, Starbucks and the Saugus River Watershed Council on Saturday, 23 May 2009 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. for a cleanup of the Saugus River adjacent to Shops at Saugus. Dan Landry of Special Services Removal will assist with removing oversized debris, www.specialservicesremoval.com.
Volunteers will meet in the far right corner of the parking lot of 'Shops at Saugus' located on Route 1 North. Volunteers will help remove trash and debris from in and around the Saugus River. This event is a great opportunity for high school students to earn community service time. Refreshments, gloves and bags will be provided. Work clothes including long pants and sleeves are recommended.
The Saugus River Watershed Council is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization founded in 1991 to protect and restore the natural resources of the Saugus River watershed.