Saugus Family YMCA YouthBasketball League


Saugus Family YMCA YouthBasketball League
Time: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm (Early birds are okay)
Location: Saugus Family YMCA
Type: Game     Price per Person: $100.00
For ages: 5-13yrs. Teams will be broken up into 3 age groups and uniforms will be provided to all participants in all age brackets. All practices will be held weekly and games are Saturday mornings and early afternoons. Teams from Lynn, Saugus and Peabody/Lynnfield YMCA?s will be involved. Season will run through March and will consist of 8 games, 8 practices and an award night. Prices: $75.00-members $100.00-community Volunteer Coaches will be needed. Sibling discounts available.
[Phone] 781-233-9622, [FAX] no fax, or