5th Annual North Shore Arthritis Walk


5th Annual North Shore Arthritis Walk
Time: 10:30 am - 2:00 pm
Location: Lynch Park, Beverly, MA
Type: Benefit     Price per Person: free
Join the Arthritis Foundation in the fight against arthritis! The Arthritis WalkŪ is the Arthritis Foundation?s annual nationwide event that raises awareness and funds to fight arthritis, the nation?s leading cause of disability. It is a tremendous opportunity to help improve the lives of the 46 million men, women and children doctor-diagnosed with arthritis- 1.5 million adults and 5,900 children in Massachusetts alone. Get your company involved or recruit friends and family members to form a team. Dogs are welcome too! Best of all, walk in honor of a loved one with arthritis and know you?re making a difference by raising funds to support Arthritis Foundation research, public health and public policy efforts to improve the lives of people with arthritis. At the Event? Choose from a three-mile or one-mile walk route Post-walk party hosted by North Shore 104.9 featuring kid?s entertainment, raffle drawings, food and more.
[Phone] 800-766-9449 x134,