Swap Meet: "New To You" Program


Swap Meet: "New To You" Program
Time: 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Location: Visitor Center at Breakheart Reservation
Type: Other     Price per Person: free
Be the first to try the newest trend in recycling! Bring your USED, BUT USEFUL household items to our first, of what we hope will be many, SWAP MEETS. Any items that still have useful value but you don't want them anymore is what we are looking for. Bring 1, 2, or 10 items that you can swap for other participants' items -- hence, "NEW TO YOU". You will not be forced to take your items back home (with some restrictions; in particular excepting items that require special disposal such as, but not limited to, TVs, computers, monitors, paint, tires, and propane tanks). Any items not taken will be donated to the Salvation Army. No money will be exchanged. Come one, come all. Bring your items, your family, and your friends. We want to change the course of sending useful items to the trash pile by recycling them to a new home and keeping them out of the trash stream. Light refreshments will be available. Sponsored by SAVE and Friends of Breakheart.
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