Derek Hines Bingo


Derek Hines Bingo
Time: 6:30 pm - 10:00 pm
Location: Ferncroft Sheraton
Type: Benefit     Price per Person: 12¢
The family and friends of fallen soldier 1st Lieutenant Derek Hines has created the ?1st Lieutenant Derek Hines Soldiers Assistance Fund and will hold the first major fundraiser, a Bingo Night, on Friday, Oct. 19, at 6:30 p.m. at the Ferncroft Sheraton in Danvers. The fund will help provide financial assistance to soldiers who have returned home from service with serious, career-ending and life-changing injuries. The fund will also assist first-year students at St. John?s Prep School in Danvers with a memorial book award.
[Phone] 978-749-6700, [E-mail] (none provided)