Mass UFO Show


Mass UFO Show
Time: 7:00 pm - 10:30 pm (Early birds are okay)
Location: Hibernian Hall, 151 Watertown St., Watertown
Type: Convention     Price per Person: $25.00
Building upon the debut event in 2006 (that featured a riveting 40th anniversary presentation by Stan Gordon, lead investigator of the Kecksburg, Pennsylvania UFO incident), the 2007 Mass UFO Show promises to host an exciting series of lectures, presentations and exhibits dedicated to Unidentified Flying Objects. Contrary to popular belief, UFO's are still being reported daily and lack a sufficient explanation. The theme for this rendition of the Mass UFO Show is "Maritime UFOs" or "USOs", an acronym for "Unidentified Submersible Objects". Independent researcher Chris Styles will be speaking about the Shag Harbour UFO Crash. This will mark the 40th anniversary of this unexplained event that rocked a sleepy fishing village in Nova Scotia on the night of October 4th, 1967. Styles, who was 12 at the time and living in Halifax, clearly recalls receiving a telephone call from his grandfather (who was living in Shag Harbour at the time) that described the ensuing panic. He'll also comment on the little-known Shelburne incident that happened in tandem with the Shag Harbour case. Author and researcher Don Ledger will be making a presentation about "Flying Black Triangles". Ledger, who co-authored a book entitled "Dark Object" with Styles about the Shag Harbour incident, will try to make sense of the ongoing "flap" of flying triangle reports. For over 25 years, there has been a global wave of sightings of flying black triangles. Some have even been seen in Massachusetts. Usually described as massive and silent, these craft began appearing in Belgium in the 1980's, and culminated in a spectacular formation that was witnessed by thousands over Phoenix, Arizona in 1997, subsequently dubbed the "Phoenix Lights". Some claim that they are "black" projects while others insist that they are alien in origin. Ledger's expertise in Maritime UFOs (title of his book) will dovetail nicely with the conference theme.
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