Saugus River Picnic and Children's Festival
5:30 pm -
8:30 pm
Saugus Iron Works
Price per Person:
Rain Date:
PLEASE JOIN the Saugus River Watershed Council, the National Park Service, and friends for a FREE picnic and children's festival at the Saugus Iron
Works on Tuesday, 31 July 2007, from 5:30 p.m. to Dusk. Bring a picnic supper and blanket or lawn chairs to enjoy a summer evening of fun for the whole
family - free drinks and dessert will be provided.
At 7:00 p.m., Paul Erickson will present The Ocean Rocks - rock and roll music of the aquatic kind for audiences of all ages. Get ready to dance with
lobsters and sway to the rhythms of coral reefs. Additional music by Dave Simmons, Dick Lynch and friends. Children will also enjoy hands-on environmental activities, crafts, a Saugus River Art Contest, and much more!
Special thanks to the National Park Service for allowing use of the Saugus Iron Works National Historic Site for this event during ongoing site renovations. The Saugus Iron Works is expected to officially re-open to the public in
September 2007.
Tuesday, 31 July 2007, 5:30 p.m. to Dusk
Saugus Iron Works
Raindate: Thursday, 2 August 2007)
Directions: From Route 1, take Walnut Street exit toward Saugus/Lynn. Take
right at first light onto Central Street. Follow signs to the Saugus Iron Works, 244 Central Street, Saugus. For more information, call 781-233-5046.
(none provided)