National Day of Prayer


National Day of Prayer
Time: 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Location: Saugus Town Hall
Type: Religious     Price per Person: free
Millions of people throughout our nation will be gathering on Thursday, May 3rd to observe the annual National Day of Prayer. Saugus residents will be meeting at the Town Hall at 7:00 pm. While the event is sponsored by the Saugus Clergy Association, it is open to all people, regardless of their faith background. This year?s theme is: ?America, unite in prayer.? In a time of war, we?re especially praying for peace in our troubled world. It?s been said, ?The only conversation that will work is the one with God.? For more information, please contact Saugus NDP Chairman Michael Noonan at 781-231-2874.
[Phone] 781-231-2874, [E-mail] (none provided)