Parent Internet Safety Class
7:00 pm -
8:00 pm
Saugus Belmonte Middle School
Price per Person:
The Saugus Youth and Recreation Department will be sponsoring an Internet Safety Class at the Saugus Belmonte Middle School geared for parents. It will provide them with a better understanding of the TROUBLE their children can get into with the computer. This class was very successful in the past, and is offered for FREE through the Youth & Recreation Deaprtment and former Police Detective, Frank Gill, & Saugus Businessman, Stephen Sacco. Everyone who attends will be offered a 30-day free trial of the software with monitoring and blocking. We will provide babysitting in the library at the Belmonte Middle School so there are no excuses. EVERYONE SHOULD ATTEND! This will educate parents on what your child could get into. No one under 21 years old will be allowed in the class due to the nature of the material and content to be discussed. Space is limited so please call and reserve a space by leaving your name and number. Be sure to let us know how many children you will have being watched if any. For more information please call the Saugus Youth & Recreation Dept. at the number above.
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