Toasmasters Area A-2 Humorous Speech Contest
6:00 pm -
6:00 pm
Saugus Public Library, Community Room 295 Central Street Saugus, MA 01906
Price per Person:
The Saugus Rumney Marsh Toastmasters Club will host the A-2 Area Humorous Speech Contest. The follow four contestants won at their home Club level and are advancing on to the Area A-2 Level:
Rumney Marsh Toastmasters - Matt Wulf
North Shore Toastmasters - Paul Pesa
Leading Speakers Toastmasters -Troy Smith
Back Talk Toastmaster - John Mulcahy
One winner from the Area Contest will advance on to compete at the Division Humor Contest level to be held and hosted by the Back Talk Toastmasters Club on Thursday Oct 26th 7PM - 9PM at the Peabody North Shore Mall (take the elevator downstairs under Legal Seafood). The public is welcome to attend!!
The mission of a Toastmasters club is to provide a mutually supportive and positive learning environment in which every member has the opportunity to develop communication and leadership skills, which in turn fosters self-confidence and personal growth. Toastmasters website: www.district31.org