Final Ochmoneks Performance


Final Ochmoneks Performance
Time: 8:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Location: O'Brien's (3 Harvard Ave. in Allston)
Type: Concert     Price per Person: free
The final Ochmoneks performance will be held on this Sunday at O'Brien's in Allston. This is a 21+ show, and it would be very nice to see everyone there. Perhaps can become more of a celebration than a collection of elegies. I know it will certainly be that way to me, and I want to invite all of you to come. To everyone who has ever gone to a show, suffered through crappy opening bands (and crappy incarnations of this band), bought a CD, taken pictures, filmed us, played with us, and, most importantly, listened, we would like to thank you wholeheartedly. Thanks for your support through the years, Christopher
[Phone] (none provided),