Tracking Wild Animals In Breakheart Part Two
1:00 pm -
3:00 pm
Christopher P. Dunne Visitor Center, Breakheart Reservation
Price per Person:
This program will take us outside to find and identify animal tracks. If there is snow, we may be lucky enough to find and identify the trails of coyote, fisher, deer otter and other wild animals normally associated with the distant wilderness, but which in recent years have taken up residence in Breakheart and other metropolitan parks. In the event of a lack of snow, we will search for other signs of animal presence such as scat, digs, feeding signs and burrows as well as tracks in mud along the Saugus River. About two miles at most will be covered at a slow pace, dress accordingly with warm clothes and snow/waterproof shoes.
Registration is required as space is limited. Please call 781-233-0834 to register.
Jointly sponsored by the Department of Conservation and Recreation and the Friends of Breakheart Reservation.