Tracking Wild Animals In Breakheart


Tracking Wild Animals In Breakheart
Time: 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Location: Christopher P. Dunne Visitor Center, Breakheart Reservation
Type: Lecture     Price per Person: free
Many wild animals normally associated with distant wilderness have in recent years filtered ack into their ancestral ranges and are now living close to us in metroplitan parks such as Breakheart Reservation. However, so secretive are many of these animals that their presence is rarely suspected. Although they are hard to observe directly, anyone familiar with the evidence these animals leave behind can determine their presence. This slide/video program will introduce the tracks and signs of species such as Eastern coyote, red and gray foxes, deer, fisher, ermine and even bobcat. All species that can be found in metropolitan parks. Pre-registration is required as space is limited. Please call 781-233-0834 to register. Jointly sponsored by the Department of Conservation and Recreation and the Friends of Breakheart Reservation.
[Phone] 781-233-0834,