Saugus Iron Works Reconstruction 50th Anniversary


Saugus Iron Works Reconstruction 50th Anniversary
Time: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Location: Saugus Iron Works National Historic Site
Type: Fun     Price per Person: free
In the early twentieth-century, the Saugus Iron Works site underwent many changes, from the restoration of the seventeenth-century Iron Works House in 1915 to the reconstruction of the colonial iron-making plant in 1954. The story of this transformation is one of competing virtues. Preservation, conservation, interpretation, archaeological process, public access, restoration, reconstruction, and economics were embodied by the many contributors of the early preservation movement. William Sumner Appleton, Wallace Nutting, Louise Crowninshield, and Roland W. Robbins are among the most prominent persons involved in the Iron Works projects. To celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the Iron Works reconstruction, the Saugus Iron Works National Historic Site will present a special program exploring these public history pioneers and their association with the Iron Works. A panel discussion that follows will be an opportunity to evaluate their contributions. This FREE event (with an option to purchase a box lunch) is open to all. There will be a 1 1/2 hour break at 11:30 to explore the Iron Works site and get lunch. Registration is requested by September 10.
[Phone] 781-233-0050,