Saugus Youth Soccer Assoc. - Soccer Field Fundraiser


Saugus Youth Soccer Assoc. - Soccer Field Fundraiser
Time: 6:45 pm - 9:45 pm (Early birds are okay)
Location: Prince Pizzeria - Giggles Comedy Room
Type: Benefit     Price per Person: free
SYSA is raising funds to refurbish the Anna Parker Soccer Fields. This fundraiser will include 3 comedians and all the pizza you-can-eat. Drinks can be purchased seperately. All proceeds will go to restore the 3 soccer fields and create a safe and enjoyable atmosphere for all players and spectators. Please call John Sanchez 781-231-8097 or the Soccer Hotline @ 781-233-8466 for further information. This is a tax-deductible event as SYSA is a Non-Profit Organization recognized by the IRS under Sect. 501(c)3.
[Phone] 781-233-8466, [E-mail] (none provided)