Boating Safety Course


Boating Safety Course
Time: 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Location: The Lynn Volunteer Yacht Club (on the Lynnway in Lynn)
Type: Event, Training     Price per Person: $50.00
Sponsored by Flotilla 4-9 of the US Coast Guard Auxiliary, this 6 week course will be offered on Tuesday nights. The course will teach Boat handling, Seamanship, Rules of the Road, and Basic Navigation. The Auxiliary will also offer 2 additional courses after completion of the Safety Course, including 3 weeks of Piloting, and a 1 night course on GPS (Global Positional Satellite) along with principles and fundamentals. The Boating Safety Course will be $50.00 per person and includes all course materials. For further information contact Edie Garrant at 978-663-9355.
[Phone] 978-663-9355, [E-mail] (none provided)