2003 Green Buildings Open House


2003 Green Buildings Open House
Time: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Location: throughout the Northeast
Type: Other     Price per Person: free
The 2003 Green Buildings Open House, which is part of the American Solar Energy Society?s National Solar Tour, will be held on October 4, 2003 from 10 am ? 4 pm. During this one-day event homes and buildings will be open for the general public to learn about how to incorporate renewable energy and green building practices into a home or business. Homeowners and building managers will be on hand to answer questions. NESEA organizes the Green Buildings Open House in the six New England States, DE, NJ, NY and PA. For building listings and information about the event please go to or call 413-774-6051.
[Phone] 413-774-6051 ext 22., [FAX] 413-774-6053, or