The Annual Saugus Historical Society Strawberry Festival
10:00 am -
3:00 pm
Saugus United Unitarian Church, corner of Main and Summer Streets
Event, Fun
Price per Person:
In addition to the strawberry shortcake, there will be hot dogs, craft tables, flea market tables, a plant table, and a bric-a-brac table. The Society will have booklets, maps, magnets, note paper, and T-shirts for sale. New this year will be programs of stories and song under the apple tree in our back yard at 30 Main Street. This is being presented by the Saugus Library. So bring your children, grandchildren, or great-grandchildren! Younger children from 10:30 - 11:45 and older children from 1:00 - 1:45. Parents can view exhibits inside the house while the children are outside. If you haven't seen the 10 footer in our back yard, this will give you a good opportunity.
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