'Tis the season for yard sales and garage sales. This posting utility is provided as a general service to the community. If you're in Saugus, Melrose, Wakefield, Lynnfield, Lynn, Malden, Nahant, etc. and are planning a yard sale, let us know either by the handy form below, e-mail, FAX, or phone and we'll post it for you. Note that it'll get posted much more quickly if you use the form. In general, to ensure rapid listing of your entry, please use natural mixed case and not all capital letters, and generally observe the usual rules of netiquette. This calendar also supports an iCalendar interface.
If you're instead interested in general community events, see our general community calendar of events.
No upcoming yard sales or garage sales are currently listed.
The contact information will be used only by us and then only if we have a question about the posting. All information provided about the yard sale / garage sale itself will be made available to viewers. Thus the first e-mail address is required but won't be made public, while the second is optional and will be posted if given so that viewers can ask questions about the sale. The same is true of phone numbers: you must give us at least one contact phone number should we have any questions, but it won't be made public. If a phone number is provided for the sale, it will be posted to allow viewers to call in with questions prior to attending. Please see our privacy policies for more information.
Yard Sales Web Ring This Yard Sales Web Ring site is owned by Saugus.net. Click here to join the Ring |
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