As you can see from the following schedule of events; businesses, churches, schools, senior citizens, youth, veterans, town employees, civic minded volunteers, our town officials and neighbors are involved each year to make this day a great success.
This year we are hoping the community spirit will come alive and show how much this Town of Saugus means to us. Please stop by the Town Clerk?s Booth on the lawn in front of the Town Hall and register to vote if you haven?t done so yet. Your vote does count!!!
Saugus Founders Day started 29 years ago because during the 350th Celebration, the people of the town loved coming together for the Country Market in front of the Town Hall. In the 1940?s the farmers and neighbors in this Town brought their fruits, vegetables, preserves, flowers and home-sewn, knitted and wooden crafts to the Town Hall where they shared their stories and renewed friendships.
Saugus Founders Day is happy that the 27th Saugus Founders? Day Officer Harold L. Vitale Memorial Road Race will be sponsored again by the Friends of Breakheart and the Department of Conservation and Recreation. The 5K road race will start from the Christopher P. Dunne Visitors Center at Breakheart Reservation off the Lynn Fells Parkway in Saugus. The race will begin at 9:30a.m. on September 6th and will take you through the beautiful reservation. Trophies and Medals will be sponsored by Peter A. Rossetti Insurance Agency and the Saugus Federal Credit Union. There will be Refreshments ? Raffle Prizes ? Limited Edition Tee Shirts. Children?s activities start at 9:00a.m. A special thanks go out to the Saugus Chamber of Commerce and the Vitale Family who sponsored the Officer Harold L. Vitale Memorial Road Race for so many years. For information call 781-710-3129
The Saugus Board of Health and the North Shore Medical Center will again sponsor the Medical Van where they will take your blood pressure and also cholesterol screenings.
Hospice Services will have a booth to explain their programs available to our community.
Saugus Community Television, known as SCTV, will have a booth and will also be videotaping and broadcasting ?LIVE? some of the day?s events and entertainment on stage. Stop by the booth located in front of the Library where they will have membership forms available, T-shirts and other give-away items and the opportunity to say something ?On Air? about Saugus Founders? Day! Stop by to find out what SCTV is all about.
Look for SCTV?s Grand Opening on Saturday, September 13th, 10AM to 2PM. SCTV provides the citizens, businesses and groups of Saugus the training, equipment and cable broadcast time necessary to produce their own programming of interest. Rich Garabedian is Executive Director and the studio is located at Saugus High School, 1 Pearce Memorial Drive.
Special ?Thanks? to SCTV, Saugus Advertiser, The Daily Item, Advocate,, and Saugus.Com for participating in Saugus Founders? Day and especially for getting the information to the public.
SAUGUS SPEAKS OUT ? Special thanks to Richie of Frank?s Gulf for allowing Saugus Speaks Out to locate in front of his business for the day. Saugus Speaks Out is a non-profit committee proactively committed to preventing children and young adults from experimenting with alcohol and drugs. The mission is to inform and educate all who seek support, recognizing that many in our community may need support and assistance.
The staggering numbers of the Saugus Youth Risk Survey prompted concerned citizens, town officials, parents, teachers and members of the business community to come together as a team to form Saugus Speaks Out and hope that you will take the time to find out how you can help your community fight this serious threat. Donna and Dan McNeil and members of SSO volunteer their time on this important committee.
Saugus Educators Association and Richard Lavoie will have Teacher ?Thank You? cards with pens, pencils, bookmarks, answer questions and have information available on S.E.A.
SAUGUS HIGH SCHOOL CLASS OF 1958 50TH CLASS REUNION ? Will sponsor a Hospitality Booth at Saugus Founders Day in front of the Saugus Town Hall. Stop by and sign the Sign-in Book and use the booth as a meeting place to see your classmates and friends. ?Street Magic? a?cappella singing group will dedicate the 1:00pm performance to the Class of 1958 with songs of the 50?s. Sheraton Ferncroft is the place for the Reunion in the evening of September 6th. Cam Cicolini is in charge of the event, enjoy the Reunion!
Paul Penachio and the Emergency Management Team (located at the old Fire Station) will have the station open for family visits to view the building and the equipment. Paul will be looking for volunteers to sign up for Emergency Management and grilling sausages, pepper and onions in front of the station.
Stop by the Saugus Advertiser and sign the ?I was at Saugus Founders? Day? page and fill out a raffle coupon for a free subscription. The Daily Item will also sponsor a raffle and give out free Newspapers and handouts.
The Saugus Historical Society will again be in front of the Town Hall with T-shirts, booklets, maps, magnets and notepaper available for sale. We are so fortunate to have volunteers to keep the history of our town alive and to pass on to our children and grandchildren.
Friends of Town Hall will sell the hometown collectibles. There is a limited quantity of collectibles and color ?throws? available on a first come first serve basis. M.E.G Foundation will be selling commemorative plates for $20.00 as they continue to raise fund- raising efforts to restore the school.
The Veterans Council will have ?Split the Pot?, Coffee & Donuts and Clam Chowder. The Post 210 Auxiliary will also have a booth with their annual raffle, located in front of Town Hall.
The First Congregational Church will hold a giant yard sale, including toys, furniture and many household goods. They will be selling home-made baked goods too. They will be grilling hot dogs and hamburgers too.
Church Activities on the Town Hall lawn this year will be provided by the following: Cliftondale Congregational Church will serve their famous Strawberry Shortcake, and they will again sponsor the Saugus Domestic Violence Coalition and give out information, St. Margaret?s Church will have information on upcoming events and sponsor a raffle.
Welcome the Vineyard Metro North Church. They will have brochures on programs offered and a table for children to do art projects.
Saugus Home Depot will have the ?Captain of the Kids Workshop?. Home Depot Associates and Jean Pasco of Home Depot have planned a special hands-on wood project the kids will love. Special ?thanks? to Home Depot for providing the carts and supplies to make the day go smoothly.
Eastern Bank will sponsor a Clown for the children?s entertainment. Look for Eastern Bank on the Hamilton Street side of the Town Hall. Saugusbank will have giveaways and a raffle with proceeds going to a charity ?in need? to be chosen. Stop by the Danversbank booth to help them celebrate their first anniversary in Saugus with giveaways.
Saugus River Watershed Council - water quality sampling, volunteer programs, educational programs and kids environmental activities. Learn about on-going efforts to improve the health of the Saugus River. ? Saugus Founders? Day information is now on the Internet. Look for Eric Brown on the Town Hall lawn to learn what he has available for you on the Internet, tell you about the free 11th Annual Ghost Story contest, and compete in his annual Trivia contest. First person to answer any question correctly will win a T-shirt.
The Republican Committee will be present with a Patriotic Booth for donations and also asking the public to sign cards to support our troops.
The Democratic Town Committee will have a raffle to raise money for their yearly scholarship fund and will sell small items.
Stop by the Theatre Company of Saugus booth to learn about their upcoming season and future performances. The Fall production will be ?The Crucible? so stop by and ask about reservations. Our Lady of Nazareth Academy, an all-girls school, will have an informational booth. Liberty Tax Service will also be handing out crowns and pens for the children. Susan Thomas will update you on the website.
The Saugus Business Partnership will have a booth on the lawn in front of the Town Hall with information on the Partnership and the many charities and programs they work on for our Town.
The Recycling Coordinator, Lorna Cerbone, will be available to talk about the importance of recycling for our Town. There will be a dumpster in the back of the Town Hall and also containers to put your bottles and cans. All proceeds will be donated to the Saugus Friendship Club, for educationally challenged adults.
The Garden Club has been busy this year working on the Butterfly Garden. Stop by to see the pictures and get a brochure on the project located at Breakheart Reservation and the many activities planned for the coming year. The will sell perennials and fresh cut flowers from members? gardens and introduce the Club to the community.
S.A.V.E.?s Founder?s Day booth this year will serve as a drop off point for several important items as well as providing encouragement and information about increasing recycling efforts. They will have receptacles to collect worn-out athletic shoes of any brand for a program called Reuse?A -Shoe. The donated shoes will be ground up and purified to become a material called Nike Grind. ? Nike Grind Rubber, Nike Grind Foam and Nike Grind Upper. This material will eventually become part of sports surfacing products ranging from basketball and tennis courts, running tracks, soccer fields, fitness flooring and playground safety surfacing. They will also have drop-off boxes for small mercury
containing items (thermometers, thermostats, button cell batteries, hearing aid batteries, and watch batteries).
Kids Fire Safety House ? sponsored by Saugus Fire Department will be located behind the Saugus Town Hall. Bring the children to visit the Fire Safety House and practice E.D.I.T.H. (Exit Drills In The Home). Meet the firefighters that teach fire safety in the elementary schools, a mentor to your children. Bring along your questions.
Please look for the Joey LoRusso Memorial Fund booth in front of the Town Hall; they will be selling pillows and scarfs for a wonderful cause to keep his memory alive. Also nearby will be a booth for the American Cancer Society with an assortment of ?pink? items for a donation.
FOOD BOOTHS ? The non-profit groups / organizations will provide the menu again this year. Special ?Thanks? to the Saugus Board of Health for all their help and support for this fundraiser activity. Congratulations to those who have taken the time to volunteer. This takes time and energy on the part of the volunteers each year but they have fun planning, working together, and at the same time make money for their activities for the year. Food this year will be provided by: Saugus High School Band, Saugus High School Classes of, 2009 and 2010. Boy Scout Troops 61 and 62, Knights of Columbus, Saugus High School Field Hockey, Saugus High School Tennis Team, Saugus Youth Soccer, Saugus High School Cheerleaders, SHS Peer Mediation, Saugus High School Golf Team. This is a cooperative effort of the businesses of Saugus, students, and parents all working together on a volunteer basis. Sincere ?Thanks? go to the businesses that continue to believe and support these non-profit groups/organizations: Kowloon, Hilltop, Fuddruckers, Border Café, Applebees, Banana Splits, Kelly?s, Panara Bread and Tumble Inn.
FUN AREA ? ?Special Thanks? to John O?Rourke of Wheelabrator Technologies/RESCO, Saugus Rotary Club, Saugus Lions Club, Saugus Youth & Recreation Department and to Michael Gallant of Perfect Parties to make sure that the Fun Area runs again. It will open at 11:00a.m. and run until 4:00p.m. This year parents and volunteers from the schools and sports organizations will monitor the many activities. Look for the Saugus Elementary School participation of their PTO?s starting at 9:00 a.m. ? Oaklandvale, Veterans Memorial School, Waybright, Lynnhurst, Saugus High School, Cub Pack 61 and many youth organization sports groups, and the Saugus Community Track fundraiser. They will have games, items on sale and information on their yearly activities to make it a great school year. Look for the Moonwalk, Speed Pitch, Electronic Golf Putting, Bungee Run, Dunk Tank, Slap Shot Hockey, Giant Twister, Velcro Wall, Gladiator Joust, Wrecking Ball and Soccer Shootout. Remember that this activity encourages the teams to work together as a unit to be successful just like playing on their team as a sport. Mentoring is another element that is important because the parents and teachers and coaches also participate in making the fundraisers successful. All the money they raise will be used for their activities during their school year.
Musical group ?The Flashbacks? will again perform in front of the Town Hall.
Face Painting ? Saugus High School Drama Club will also be in the ?Fun? area. Be sure to ask them about this year productions. Temporary Tattoos will also be available by Elaine Lynch, near the Fried Dough Stand, Sand Art, and Hermit Crabs.
Saugus Iron Works ? Reconstruction has been finished and will be open all day. Tours will be 11:15am ? 2:15pm. Be sure to stop by the Visitor Center and the Museum.
Persons of the Year 2008 ? The announcement will be at 12 Noon on the stage in front of the Saugus Town Hall. Previous recipients have been 1989-Stanley Day, 1990-William McKinney, 1991-Belden Bly, Jr., 1992-Dr. Herb Upton, 1993-Alice Hatch Vail, and Jim Virnelli, 1994-Barbara MacKenzie and John Lumsden, 1995-Kathy Blasingame and Edwin ?Bucker? Holmes, 1996-Rosemary DeGregorio and Rev. Walter Smith, 1997-Marie Poitras and Clayton Trefry, 1998-Therese Nolan and Ken Barnes, 1999-Louise Rossetti and Earl and Nancy Ellis, 2000-Charlie Aftosmes and Barbara and Ralph Badger, 2001-Carol Cashman and Dr. Fred Wagner, 2002-Donna Gould and Rev. Roger Nelson and 2003-Florence Chandler and Norman Hansen, 2004-Ellen Burns and Carmine Moschella, 2005-Janet Leuci and John Burns, 2006-Marilyn Carlson and Richard Barry and 2007-Jean Banks and Bob Davis. Nominations are made and voted on by the previous recipients. This yearly award is a special way to acknowledge Saugus citizens who quietly and unselfishly volunteer many hours for the betterment of their community. 2008 recipients will be announced at 12Noon. Congratulations and best wishes to all.
This day could not be possible without the help of many. Sincere appreciation is extended to the Board of Selectmen and Town Officials. Mr. Andrew Bisignani, our Town Manager, whose encouragement and support is sincerely appreciated and the Board of Selectmen. Special ?thanks? to Sue Dunn, Administrative Assistant for her help and patience. Thank you to the DPW, Saugus Police Department, Saugus Fire Department, Inspectional Services, Director of Health, Recycling Coordinator, Youth & Recreation Department, Saugus School Department, Emergency Management, Building Department, Library, St. John?s Church, Michael Dunn, Debbie Nicholas, Chris Tarantino, and the O?Hearn, Duffy and O?Brien families.
The Town Hall area has been blessed with wonderful neighbors who have been inconvenienced through twenty-nine years. Instead of complaining, they join in and have yard sales, cookouts and still always have a kind and encouraging word. Residents and businesses have truly displayed their community spirit by embracing this day and adjusting their schedules.
The Saugus Founders? Day Committee: Donna Gould and Kathy Blasingame, Sue Dunn, Joyce Tramontozzi. Hope to see you Saturday, September 6th!