The definition of Windows '98Windows '98 is quite possibly the second most popular form
of MS-Windows, in
spite of the fact that its official release is currently a point of
legal debate with at least nineteen states, the federal
government, and a handful of foreign countries as it has
a few questionable features that might restrict the
novice computer user and/or unfairly compete with other
computer companies. It also has some specific issues with
the version of Java that comes
prepackaged with it that has never been adequately fixed,
and it still has several Y2K issues,
most of which have patches that can be
downloaded for free (in fact,
Microsoft guarantees that it will work properly through 2000 with
the proper patches), but some of which do not yet have
fixes at all (it won't work properly through 2001 at this
point). In any case, it was designed to replace
Windows '95.