The definition of object-orientedWhile the specifics are well beyond the scope of this
document, the term "object-oriented" applies to a
philosophy of software creation.
Often this philosophy is referred to as object-oriented
design (sometimes abbreviated as OOD), and
programs written with it in mind are
referred to as object-oriented programs (often
abbreviated OOP). Programming
languages designed to help
facilitate it are called object-oriented languages (sometimes
abbreviated as OOL) and databases
built with it in mind are called object-oriented
databases (sometimes abbreviated as OODB or less
fortunately OOD). The general notion is that an
object-oriented approach to creating software starts with
modeling the real-world problems trying to be solved in
familiar real-world ways, and carries the analogy all the
way down to structure of the program. This is of course a
great over-simplification. Numerous object-oriented
programming languages exist including:
Script, and ADA.