The Archives

Dailies for September of 1999

September 30, 1999

The Saugus SETI team has been invited to join the international SETI web ring. You can use the links associated with the ring to check out how some other SETI teams are doing.

September 29, 1999

The Friends of Breakheart Reservation site was updated today.

September 28, 1999

Just a reminder that we're soliciting input on what questions you'd like to have us ask the local Saugus candidates before the elections. We'll keep on accepting feedback on what questions you want answered up through the end of this month. We'll post the most popular questions online and will give the candidates the opportunity to answer them early next month. What's important to you? Is it the school system, traffic, conservation, the library, or something else? This is your chance to hear the candidates answer your questions.

September 27, 1999

Also, the Saugus SETI team has now completed over 500 results but we could still use the help of more machines to better compete against the other teams from other parts of the world.

We've posted a picture of the T-shirt to be awarded to the winners of this year's Halloween Ghost Story Writing Contest on the rules page. It's similar to last year's T-shirt, but features a glow-in-the-dark logo on a black shirt rather than a red logo on a white shirt.

September 24, 1999

The first entries have already come in for this year's Halloween Ghost Story Writing Contest. To publically answer a question we received about the format of entries, we prefer regular text.

September 23, 1999

Also, remember to send us feedback on what questions you'd like us to ask the local candidates prior to the elections.

Minor updates were made to the TV & Radio, the News Sources, and General Info pages recently.

September 22, 1999

The Organizations page was updated today with the addition of a local places of worship list.

September 21, 1999

Also, have you been following the progress of the Saugus SETI team? We now have well over a year's worth of CPU time (that would have otherwise been wasted) put to use on the project.

There have been more than the usual number of entries added into the Community Event Calendar lately.

September 20, 1999

Do you have any questions you'd like to ask the local Saugus candidates before the elections? We're giving you the chance. Send us feedback on what questions you want answered. We'll post the most popular questions online and will give the candidates the opportunity to answer them.

Also, remember that this year's Halloween Ghost Story Writing Contest is underway. Entry is free, and people are welcome to submit as many stories as they wish.

September 17, 1999

The Educational Resources Page was updated today.

September 16, 1999

There have been updates to both the News Sources and Legal & Financial Info pages today.

September 15, 1999

The Saugus Founders' Day pictures have been posted. So have the answers to the clues in the Town-Wide Hunt contest. Note though that the Town-Wide Hunt is over -- going to the clue locations now won't achieve anything. Our next contest is already underway and will feature a slightly different T-shirt as the prize.

September 14, 1999

Saugus Town Meeting highlights include the funding of Dreeme Street water improvements, the new Middle School hot water system, and carpet repair in the High School (money for all three to come from state lottery earnings). All three of these passed without controversy. The bulk of the more than three and a half hour meeting was spent on two other topics: the West Side Fire Station and the Police Firing Range. To summarize: the new Public Safety Building requires additional funding for completion, and the only areas in the Capital Improvement Program that still have significant money are the proposed West Side Fire Station, the proposed Town Green, and the Park System. Article 2 sought to take the money from the West Side Fire Station for the Public Safety Building. After much debate, it was amended to leave the West Side Fire Station untouched and to take the money from the Town Green and parks. The amended version was passed with only one Town Meeting Member voting against. Article 6 sought to borrow money to construct a firing range in the new Public Safety Building. The Finance Committee recommended the indefinite postponement of the article, insisting that there was enough money left in the program to construct the firing range without having to borrow anything. An amendment was proposed to refer the article back to the Town Manager in order to find other sources of money for the firing range; this amendment was turned down 26 - 13. Town Meeting seemed generally to support the idea of the firing range itself, and the motion to indefinitely postpone it was unanimously rejected. Eventually, the motion to borrow money was approved 29 - 10.

We've got a bevy of Saugus Founders' Day pictures to post, and we'll be putting up both them and the answers to Founders' Day contest clues tomorrow as today's entry is pretty long.

September 13, 1999

Our Second Annual Halloween Ghost Story Writing Contest is now underway. Be sure to read the rules and get your entries in to us by e-mail or FAX before October 29th. Also, don't forget to send us a way of getting back in touch with you; we'll acknowledge every entry we receive so that you'll know we really got it. A free T-shirt (different from last year's) goes to each winner, and the winning stories will be posted throughout Halloween night.

September 11, 1999

We've posted the clues for today's Town-Wide Hunt T-shirt giveaway contest.

September 10, 1999

Remember, tomorrow is Saugus Founders' Day. Should the weather not co-operate, it'll be the following day. We'll be there and will be holding a T-shirt giveaway contest involving a town-wide hunt.

September 9, 1999

We've updated our introduction to computers for new computer users.

September 8, 1999

Information for this year's Saugus Founders' Day has finally been posted. We've posted a detailed schedule and description of Founders' Day events plus the details of our second annual Founders' Day T-shirt giveaway contest. Still further information has been posted both on Community Event Calendar and the Yard Sale Page. To answer the most basic questions, Founders' Day will be taking place this Saturday from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, and we'll have a booth near the Town Hall if you want to participate in our contest, get information, or just stop by and chat.

September 7, 1999

To give an update on the Saugus SETI team, Saugus area machines have already contributed well over 350 results. By Founders' Day, Saugus area machines will probably have put nearly a year's worth of CPU time that would have otherwise been wasted into the project. On the topic of Founders' Day, we're hoping to have the details available online sometime tomorrow.

September 6, 1999

The Historical Society site was updated today.

September 3, 1999

A few things to mention today:

  1. The details of this year's Founders' Day have still not fully been finalized; hopefully they'll be ready early next week.
  2. Our office will be closed on Labor Day; messages left on the answering machine will be attended to the following day. There may still be a daily update online here, though.
  3. Finally, we were asked by Pastor Bob Leroe to post the following plea for volunteers:

September 2, 1999

Just another reminder that our bin in the Town Hall is being moved upstairs into the Selectmen's office with the bins for the two newspapers. The new bin is currently in place; the old one is for the moment still in use downstairs, too, but it will be removed fairly soon.

September 1, 1999

As usual, the Most Popular Pages Countdown has been updated with the most popular pages of last month.