The Archives

Dailies for August of 1998

August 31, 1998

We've added an Introductory Section to try and help people who are new to computers and/or the Internet. Please check it out and let us know what sorts of things we should include to make it more helpful to you. Also, would a quick Internet / computer reference be useful? What should be included on it?

August 28, 1998

The Saugus Housing Authority would like it to be known that for the first time since '92 a Section 8 Waiting List is opening. They will be accepting applications for listing on the Section 8 Waiting List in accordance with the provisions of the U.S. Housing Act of 1937. A lottery system will be used to determine placement on the waiting list. Those persons living in or working in Saugus will be given preference. There is no advantage to being first to apply. Pre-applications may be requested in person (see the Community Calendar of Events for details of when and where to make the requests). Also, eligibility can be checked against the Housing Authority's Section 8's requirements list.

August 27, 1998

Special Update:

It appears that our earlier announcement of the Mad Dogs game was in error; we were given the wrong date and the mentioned game was actually last night. We apologize for any confusion this may have caused.

This is just a notice that today might mark the final time that the Massachusetts Mad Dogs play baseball in Massachusetts. Apparently their attendance has gone down tremendously this year. Their game tonight (at 7:00 PM at Fraser Field in Lynn, minutes from Saugus Center) will have a special ticket price of only $1 per person. Tonight's attendance will in part determine whether or not they stay local.

August 26, 1998

There were a couple updates today of note:

August 25, 1998

It is now possible to view a current television schedule through regardless of whether you're using a satellite dish, cable, or ordinary antenna.

August 24, 1998

Also, for those who wanted help making their home page (and if you live in Saugus or nearby such a thing might be desirable), help is now available.

It has now been made decidedly easier to enter new links and remove dead ones on the various "Assorted Information" pages (including Entertainment, Organizations, Medical & Dental, News, etc.) so take a look.

August 21, 1998

Some more minor updates went into both the Saugus High Alumni Association Page and the Saugus Housing Authority Page today. One of especial interest is that it is now possible to download a SHS Alumni membership / dinner dance reservation form. This is particularly handy if you'd like to join and don't currently have a copy of their printed newsletter.

August 20, 1998

The Saugus High Alumni Association page is now fully up and functional. It contains information on current alumni events, reunions, etc., and allows Saugus High School alumni to update their phone numbers and addresses in the Saugus High Alumni Association database. There'll be a permanent pointer to it on the Organizations page.

August 19, 1998

We've added a page of news sources to make it easy to read the Boston Globe, Boston Herald, New York Times, BusinessWeek, USA Today, Seattle Times, PC Week, MacWEEK, SunWorld, Linux Weekly News, etc. online. A pointer to this new page has also been added to the "Assorted Information" section of the sidebar. Whether you're looking for the latest national and world news or the latest information on your computer system (or even your neighbor's computer system), it'll all be reported somewhere under here.

August 18, 1998

We've added both news and weather to the "Quick References" section on the sidebar (we thought the latter was particularly appropriate today considering the variety of rain, sun, and more rain we've been having). We've also added in the first couple of guestbook entries.

August 17, 1998

We've added a daily news feed. It's now possible to read national, world, and technological (especially computer related) news right through

August 15, 1998

Just a reminder that (as listed in the Yard Sale Page) there is a huge yard sale in full swing right now at 91 Central Street in Saugus to benefit the Mt. Pleasant Preservation Society ("Mt. Pleasant" is one of the names for the hill between Central Street, Walnut Street, and Elm Street). If you haven't gone by yet, be sure to do so before it ends this afternoon.

August 14, 1998

The Saugus Housing Authority Page is now available. Its direct URL is:

More departments, boards, commissions, and committees should follow. The overall goal is to get virtually all of them online within the next three months or so.

August 12, 1998

The Saugus Building Committee Page is now up and running. Its direct URL is:
for those who want to set bookmarks specifically to it.

August 11, 1998

There have been numerous updates to the SAVE page today. Information on contacting SAVE board members and officers, information on joining SAVE, and a sample newsletter have all been put online.

August 10, 1998

Have you been wondering about the reconstruction work being done in the Saugus Town Hall? We were, too, and got the opportunity to tag along during a Building Committee site visit and take some photographs to share with our viewers.

August 7, 1998

You probably noticed the addition of the "Quick References" section and the fact that we alphabetized the "Assorted Information" section (although keeping "Miscellaneous" at the bottom and "General" at the top) but you may not have noticed the work we did to some of these information directories themselves. In particular, the three that had so many entries that they had become unwieldy (Education, Entertainment, & Government) have had their contents categorized and alphabetized.

August 6, 1998

To complement our ZIP Codes, Etc. page, we've added a Phone Numbers, Etc. page. This page will make it easy to use the Web for both white page and yellow page phone number lookups, reverse phone number searches, and even e-mail address searches.

August 5, 1998

We'd like to formally announce the creation of the new Saugus Action Volunteers for the Environment (SAVE) Page. We'll keep a permanent link to it on the Organizations Page. It is still a work in progress at this point and many things may change, be added, or be deleted as time goes on (in particular it's known that there will be more information added in the near future), but it's still already at the stage where it should be interesting.

August 4, 1998

Finally, Marilyn Carlson asked us to encourage everyone to call (and/or e-mail) Gov. Cellucci at 617-727-3600 and urge him not to veto the $40,000.00 appropriation to restore the mural "The Founding of Saugus".

There were also a couple of recent updates to the yard sales page.

We've added a page to help out with ZIP Codes and related information. This will allow the lookup of ZIP Codes for cities and towns, the reverse, and ZIP+4 Codes for specific addresses.

August 3, 1998

Just a reminder that Saugus real estate taxes are due today by 5:00 PM (as listed in the Community Calendar of Events).